Out of a love for learning new things this site originally began as a “learn something new every week” newsletter with authors contributing topical articles based on their area of expertise while promoting their books.
It has since morphed into a general interest website that has broadened its focus to publishing all that is interesting, informative and inspiring. In addition to in-house content (most of it written or reviewed by industry or academic experts) the site also features articles by and interviews with guests ranging from best-selling authors and award-winning filmmakers to leading professors, scientists, politicians and more.
Featured guests have included:
• an early Cold War air defense system programmer and space colonization advocate
• a two-time Cannes official and four-time Toronto official selected film director
• an Oprah Winfrey Network nutritionist whose program has aired in 78 countries
• a Pennsylvania state representative who advocates for the mentally ill
• a world-leading research psychiatrist at the UCLA school of medicine
• a former chair of the Royal Society of Medicine Forum on Food & Health and Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines
• a Carnegie Institution astrobiologist with a mineral named in his honor
• a University of Pennsylvania emeritus professor of urbanism who served on the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
• a former NASA space missions spokeswoman of 6 years
• a retired NASA flight engineering deputy director of 42 years
• a former deputy chairman of the UK Conservative Party who sold 330 million copies of his novels
• an award-winning cowboy and rancher who co-wrote a memoir with his sister, the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
• an emeritus professor and past chair of the psychology department at California State University, Dominguez Hills
• a former United States Secret Service agent
• a former fighter jet and B-2 stealth bomber pilot
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