Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!
My name is Camilla Kristiansen. I have written so far 41 inspirational books for women who wants to live their freedom lifestyle doing what they love. My first book was «You can have it all!» and my latest book is called «Follow Flow!» You can find them all at my website
https://camillakristiansen.com/books/ or of course on Amazon.
What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)?
I have always dreamt about becoming a writer. I live in Norway so I loved my Norwegian class at school where I could write small novels and papers to hand in at my teacher. In the beginning I felt that I was not good enough. I wrote my first 4 books in Norwegian, then 41 has been written now in English. I write to inspire others to go for their dreams but mostly it is to keep myself going and let my art be my art, my writing is my art.
What inspires/inspired your creativity?
Anything. The muse strikes when I sit my body in writing mode. I don’t feel into the feelings to be inspired, I force myself to write and let it flow out of me. I know that it is good enough and that the right people will be inspired by it. If I would wait for inspiration, I would be waiting forever. I do get inspiration from everywhere. Music, Netflix shows, my kids, nature, when I travel, airports etc. Many of my books are written at airports when I wait for my next flight.
How do you deal with creative block?
I believe that their is no blocks. I think that if you love to write you have to do that from your heart. If you feel blocked write about that. Of course if you write a fiction book you have to stick to your plan, but I think then I would have given myself time to go out for a quick walk, look at the wonderful nature or travel somewhere nice to get my writing skills back on again.
What are the biggest mistakes you can make in a book?
To not write it.
Do you have tips on choosing titles and covers?
I always pick my title and subtitle first. Then I have my graphic designer to make me a cover. Then I have that cover as my background on my laptop so I see that I have to write on this book and get it done.
How do bad reviews and negative feedback affect you and how do you deal with them?
I don’t think about them. I feel that my writing is art and I can only as an artist do what I am called to do, make art. Write. So bad review might come, still I trust in the process of just be me and share my message from my heart. That has to be good enough.
How has your creation process improved over time?
I started with writing one book a month, then got up to 4 books a month but after a while back in 2016 I got some pain in my shoulder of all my writing. I had to take so time off from my books.
Now I am back in the ring again with 1 book a month. My books are short killer books, straight to the point. All between 15000 – 20000 words.
What were the best, worst and most surprising things you encountered during the entire process of completing your book(s)?
The best is the writing process. To let myself express what’s on my mind. I am surprised on how easy it is to just push out book after book and why no one else is doing it?!
Do you tend towards personal satisfaction or aim to serve your readers? Do you balance the two and how?
Mostly I write to get my message out there. I write for me, but I know that the right ones that read this will find it and get value from it. I think about my readers, but I have to write what I feel called to. Let the art be the art, even if no one will buy the book.
What role do emotions play in creativity?
For most people it will play a big role. For me, not so much. when I plan out my next book it will be written. It can’t write it selves, so I have to do the job even if I feel like it or not. Push emotions away and just do the job.
Do you have any creativity tricks?
Yes, force yourself to come up with 10 titles on books that you could write. Sit your bottoms in the chair until you have ten. Then pick the top 3, then pick the one that mostly called your heart. Then do the job. Write it!!!
What are your plans for future books?
I think I will write a book about tenacity and how you have to stay in it for the long haul. I feel people need to hear that you can’t try something for 4 weeks, 1 year etc and then you give up.
Tell us some quirky facts about yourself
I am obsessed with chick flicks (girly movies), like to have plans but never follow them in theory and I dream about going to Iceland to swim in the Blue Laguna with a glass of Prosecco in my hand.

My bio
Camilla Kristiansen is a mentor for women who dream about living their freedom laptop lifestyle. She has written 41 inspirational books that are published on Amazon and she runs her own Norwegian online magazine. She also loves to travel around the world with her VIP days and meet up with clients. Camilla lives in Norway with her husband and two daughters. Read more at camillakristiansen.com.