Cynthia A. Morgan is an award-winning author; columnist for the national magazine Fresh LifeStyle, and a member of the Poetry Society of America and Artists for Peace. Creator of the mythical realm of Jyndari and author of the epic fantasy Dark Fey Trilogy, Morgan’s powerful story relates how the power of hope, acceptance and forgiveness can change the world, when positive action is taken to create change. The only way to achieve peace is to become peace.

Morgan is also the author of the popular blog Booknvolume where over 18K followers can explore Morgan’s own brand of poetry and English Sonnets, musings about life, personal recipes, photography, book reviews and more.
Upcoming projects include a fictional drama in Regency Period England; a foray into the lives of a young housemaid and an immortal archangel in French post-Armageddon earth; a non-fiction exploration of the supernatural/paranormal and beliefs around the world; and a return to the realms of Dark Fey in a prequel/sequel.
You can find Morgan through social media in the following places:
Blog / website:
All Things Dark Fey Website:
Amazon Author Page:
Publisher’s Author Page :
Find The Dark Fey Trilogy here:

What’s your favourite part of the lifestyle of an Author?
I would love to say being able to write all day long, but that isn’t quite reality. Life still happens and, for me, life includes a full-time job and spending time with my loved ones. However, for me the best thing is when someone enjoys what I’ve written and shares their thoughts, whether it is within their social media or personally. For example, I was a guest speaker at a local high school one day and one of the students walked in literally reading my book. When she looked up and saw who the guest speaker was, the excitement she displayed (not the mention all the questions she asked) was indescribable.
What made you start writing?
I have been creating stories and poems since I was old enough to hold a crayon, so I guess I was born a writer, but until 2014 I had no idea how to take the step from hobbyist to published author. It was only when a friend took an invested interest in my story Dark Fey and helped me figure out how to turn my manuscript into a Kindle Direct Publishing-ready document that I could realize the dream. She even went so far as to hold a publishing party for me with my closest friends and family. (Thanks Jena!)
Is there an Author that you consider your inspiration?
Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, Shakespeare. Those are my top three. They are the ones I turn to when I want to read something that not only speaks to my heart but challenges my mind and feeds my spirit. I truly love the way they utilize the English language to create art.
What’s your number one tip for an aspiring Author?
The standard “Don’t Give Up” sounds so trite, but it’s very true. I read a quote by a fellow Indie Author who said “It took me years to become an overnight success” and I would tend to agree. The supplementary “Believe in Yourself” is also tried and true because if you don’t, it will show and no one else will either. However, we all know these already, so I would offer, create characters you believe in, whom you either love or hate. If you aren’t interested in a character, there’s no reason your readers will be.
What type of book do you like to read and does this differ from the genre that you prefer to write?
I enjoy Classic Literature, mainly because I love the use of language as it used to be; not only the aforementioned trio, but also Thomas Hardy, William Blake, and Poe. However, I also enjoy reading Historical Fiction, usually by Philippa Gregory, and I do like good Epic Fantasy. I’ll be honest, though, I don’t read nearly as often as I might wish to because in my free time I am usually writing.
Which one of your characters would you most like to spend time with?
Oh that’s such a hard question because, of course, in order to write an interesting and engaging character, you need to like them (or hate them) so I would honestly enjoy spending time with any of them. Having said as much though, I do believe I’d most enjoy spending time with either Gairynzvl or Evondair. Why? Oh, you’ll just have to read them and find out for yourself ☺️
Which book do you consider a must-read?
Hmm. Great question. There are so many really. I have always thought Lord of the Flies by William Golding particularly powerful on many levels. It speaks to many cultures and across religious and economic barriers, sharing a message that all should take heed of, at least, in my humble opinion.
What’s been the hardest edit that you’ve had to make? Why did you want to keep the material in?
I am very fortunate. I have a publisher that does not require any specific content edits after I submit a manuscript, but attempting to reduce the plot and purpose of a story down to a set number of characters or words for social media is always painful. After all, it took over 150K words to tell the tale and, as the author, I believe them all necessary.
If you could live in a book, which one would it be?
I thought this through for quite a while and realize that any good book setting has its share of pros and cons, much as our own world. I don’t know that I’d like to escape anywhere else, but it certainly would be a beautiful notion if our present reality could mirror the best social, economic and environmental harmonies of all the best books, would it?
If you could pick an Author to write your biography, who would it be?
Charles Dickens of course, except that my bio would turn into a 60-page dissertation rather than a 4 paragraph brief ☺️
Is there any conflict between what you want to write and what you think your readers will like?
I do rather often find I favour a verbose style, filling page after page with a proliferation of words far more befitting a readership of the 18th century as opposed to the preferences of the current generations who seek succinct dialog and laconic narratives.
In other words, yes.
What effect can a review have on you, if you read them at all? Both the good and the bad.
Reviews are a challenge and I treat them as such. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not everyone will find what I, you, he or she has written to their liking. I’m really ok with that. A great review is marvellous and a terrible review is similarly dreadful, but I don’t honestly think reviews are the deciding factor for whether or not someone reads a book.
Can you sum up your life story in ten words or less?
Yes. I am Blessed and am Truly Thankful.
What’s exciting you about your next project?
One of my next projects is a non-fiction exploration of what we as human beings believe, understand, and do not understand about spirituality, the so-called paranormal, and workings of what I term ‘The Essence’ or that which makes us more than flesh and blood alone.
Another is a Post Apocalyptic Fantasy Romance. It tells the story of life after the first 3 Horsemen, Pestilence, War and Famine, have ridden. In the 4th Era after the Great Cataclysm, (roughly 400 years in the future) the final horseman, Death, is caged and waiting on the Archangel of Mercy to release him. Tzadkiel has been sent to earth in human form to find one human who still understands Mercy. He has been given 100 years, after which Death must be released. With only 4 years remaining, he finds her; a servant named Lourdes, but they must escape the harsh dictatorship of the Eminent Protectorate and find a place of sanctuary before the appointed hundred years are spent and Death is freed from the abyss.
I could go on for days about how exciting, challenging and intriguing I find these…
And finally, you have one quote to be remembered by, what is it?
The only way to achieve Peace is by becoming Peace.