# Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!
I was born and grew up in a small Nepalis’ hamlet, Bhanjang (also known as Bhunjung) Basti, via Mahadev Tilla, just a few kilometer from Haflong, the district headquarter of NC Hills (now Dima Hasao district), India to late Pitamber Upadhaya (father) and Nandakala (Bawni) Upadhaya (mother). My father was in the northeast frontier railway service and mother, a homemaker. I took a couple of degrees, BSc Hons, MSc, MPhil, PhD, FSASS in environmental physiology, stress biology, eco-physiology, environmental science and biochemistry of plants and had a classroom experience of more than thirteen years including three years of post-graduate level at Assam University, India. I write academic papers, research papers, articles and non-fiction books in English. I gradually started teaching and writings from my post-MSc class onwards.
I wrote Plant Stress Physiology focusing on submergence and flooding stress on plants. I then wrote Plant Heavy Metal Stress based on metal toxicity in plants, The secret of plants in the environment on plants adaptability in the environment, The life of plants in a changing environment focusing on plant survival in changing environment. Till now, there are four books in the same genera of non-fiction, plant, environment and nature. All my books are now available from all the leading online book stores worldwide.
Also, you could find me online at –
Google scholar – https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=h232zIsAAAAJ
Twitter – https://twitter.com/RKUpadhy
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17275904.Rishikesh_Upadhyay
Bookbub – https://www.bookbub.com/profile/rishikesh-upadhyay
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/rishikesh-upadhyay

# What inspires/inspired your creativity?
I’ve always been an avid in teaching and research. It’s not possible to say where inspiration comes from? Well that is largely a mystery. Simply, I just love to write, learn and teach. From there, it just took shape.
# How do bad reviews and negative feedback affect you and how do you deal with them?
I leave the reviews for the readers since they are to help them decide if a book is a good fit for them or not. I try to analyze and learn from those reviews and feedbacks. And, negative feedback is awesome since it improves us a much better writer.
# What are your plans for future books?
I am currently working on my next new book on nonfiction. I would like to say that it is connected with plants, nature and environments in just about every way.
# Tell us some quirky facts about yourself
I enjoy reading, teaching students, doing research works in the laboratory, pouring water into plants, and observing plants.
When I speak, think or write, it’s in English only, my mother tongue Nepalese or Gorkhali, or in Hindi, India’s national language. However, I could speak Bengali and Assamese fluently due to having lived, studied, and worked in Assam, India’s northeastern state, for many years.
And, thank you, NFReads.com. for giving me this opportunity.
Happy Reading!