I’m EG Manetti and I live on the west coast of Florida. The Twelve Systems Chronicles are epic science fiction with a strong dose of romance. Lilian’s father is convicted of heinous crimes and she is reduced to poverty and servitude. Thrown into a life for which she has had no preparation she must navigate intrigue, violence, and mysteries in a universe where duty is everything and love is a luxury.
Lillian is brilliant. She is fierce and smart and vulnerable and endearing. ~ Paranormal Romance Guild, April 2019

Three of the seven volumes have been nominated for RONE (Reward for Novel Excellence) awards with two finalists including the 2019 Finalist, Serengeti Valor: The Apprentice, Volume 1.

The first volume, The Cartel: The Apprentice, Volume 1 was inspired by a vivid dream that I had the morning before a five-hour car trip. By the time I reached my destination, I had the full outline in my head of what was to be a straightforward science fiction romance. As I worked through the draft, more of the story emerged. One volume became two, and then five, as Lilian’s story expanded to encompass the fate of the Twelve Systems. With seven volumes published and the eighth scheduled for January 2020, I expect the epic to conclude in early 2021.
Although the Twelve Systems universe is one of my imagination, many of its attributes are pulled from human history including ancient Rome, renaissance Europe, and seventeenth century Japan, as well as modern life. The greatest challenge and most satisfying aspect of writing this series is telling an engaging and enjoyable story while crafting a society with a unique history and distinct economic, spiritual, secular components. From the critical reviews, the books have succeeded rather well.
With characters that jump off the page, love that is forbidden yet unstoppable mixed with top-notch worlds and technology, sci-fi has never looked so good or become so addictive! ~ InD’Tale Magazine, February 2018
I believe, the biggest mistake that an author can make is to fail to invest in both a good story editor and a good copy editor. Sometimes it can be the same person, but often it is not. In terms of my mistakes; not thinking to google the title of my first volume before publishing. There is more than one review of The Cartel where the reader was disappointed because it was not about drug cartels. It was a rookie mistake.
The Twelve Systems book covers, on the other hand, are unique. Covers are the most important marketing tool for any book, and they need to convey content. The traditional science fiction romance cover with a couple and a planet or spaceship behind them would have been deceptive promising a conclusive happily ever after rather than happily for now. Classic science fiction covers with high tech themes would not convey the romantic and adult content. With the assistance of Jim O’Connor Photography, the Twelve Systems covers are eye-catching, unique, and convey that the content will be a bit different from other books in this area.

Learn more about EG and The Twelve Systems Chronicles:
Website: www.egmanetti.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/egmanetti
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7245562.E_G_Manetti
Twitter: https://twitter.com/egmanetti