Interview With Author Gail Kamer

Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!

My name is Gail Kamer and I’ve written several books mainly children’s. Some of them have been self-published and others have been published by traditional publishers. I am currently working on a few manuscripts for adult readers that will be sold under the name of Gail Johnson. For more information about my books:

I have two books published by traditional publishers:

Immigrant from the Stars is for middle grade children and was published by the Gettier Group.

Little Chick is a picture book and was published by Pen It! Publications.

What is/are the real-life story(ies) behind your book(s)?

For Immigrant from the Stars it’s the alien presence. Science fiction fascinates me. I believe it’s quite possible that other planets have intelligent life, and, if that’s true, aliens could become Earth’s immigrants. How cool would it be to say, “My best friend is from the stars!”

Also, I spend my spare time doing genealogical research, looking specifically for an elusive ancestor who doesn’t seem to want to be found. My family jokes he was accidentally left behind by a spaceship when it made a rest stop on Earth.

What inspires/inspired your creativity?

I am the oldest of seven children, the youngest being born when I was 19. The antics of so many of us mixed in with a couple hundred cousins has given me tons of ideas based on things we tried when we were younger. I am a retired educator and my goal in creating the story Immigrant from the Stars was to provide young readers with a fun read.

How do you deal with creative block?

I pick up a good book and read or I take a walk. Sometimes I have to provide the space of a few days doing something different before coming back to what I was working on.

How has your creation process improved over time?

I belong to several critique groups both on-line and face-to-face. The group I’ve been to the longest is the Bards Corner. I can honestly say that membership in a critique group has strengthened my writing skills.

What were the best, worst and most surprising things you encountered during the entire process of completing your book(s)?

The process is sooo long. From the second the first word is on the page until the book is finished and in my hands takes forever. I’m also amazed at how many times I rewrote and rewrote and rewrote! The best thing is actually holding that book in my hand. Dreams do come true.

Do you tend towards personal satisfaction or aim to serve your readers? Do you balance the two and how?

For my children’s books I’ve written from what my experience as an educator has taught me about children and their interests. For my adult writing, I’ve taken my interests and mixed in a little of what the market says certain genre should have to make them successful.

What are your plans for future books?

For children’s books I am outlining a Book 2 and a Book 3. Although all of the main characters appear in the storylines, some characters will experience major changes.

For adult books I’m working on Don’t Let the Monkey Drive the Taxi and have sent it to a few publishers. If that doesn’t work out I will self-publish it in early 2020. I’m also working on Genie-licious which is still in its infancy!

Tell us some quirky facts about yourself

Hmmm, I once worked for the Gallop Poll. When I was a young child I got lost in Mammoth Cave National Park. We were there with a church group. I guess I was on the prayer list because I got “found” again. 🙂


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