# Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!
My name is Jennifer Greene-Sullivan, and I am from Roddy, Georgia. I teach high school English while focusing on my passion for writing. I have several children’s books: Esmerelda’s Surprise, Purposeful Day, Adventures of Lee-Lee Series, and upcoming A Friend for Festus. I have two Kindle Vella stories with one written under a pen name. The Little Boys is available in Kindle Vella now under my “legal” name. I have a book of poetry called “An Old Homeplace.” In addition, I have a blog agingenglishmajor.com as well as a blog I write for my church youth group called curvaceaouschickscoop.com. Right now, I am writing three bible devotionals as well as finishing my children’s book series about my dog Festus.

# What is/are the real-life story(ies) behind your book(s)?
Since I was a little girl, the people I love in my life inspire my stories. Also, the characters I love to read, and the authors I feel inspired by always encourage me to sit and to write. Every year when I teach Transcendentalism, I find Whitman, Emerson, and Dickinson sparking a new poetry passion inside me. I am not a very good poet, but I sure do love to craft a poem. It’s so short, yet so sweet to do.
# What inspires/inspired your creativity?
My husband and I go camping with our children through-out the year, and my bottom fuses to my zero gravity chair. When I am sitting in that chair, every fun game or speck of imagination that my son has inspires me. I observe him, jot things down, and create new titles. Creativity has become a way of life for me. I cannot really separate myself from it. We are one.
# How do you deal with creative blocks?
When blocked, I have found that talking to friends and listening to music helps restart the creative juices. If all else fails me and my emotions are stagnant, I go to therapy and spend time in prayer to recenter myself. Life is so hectic and busy that I cannot stay “blocked” for long.
# What are the biggest mistakes you can make in a book?
The biggest mistakes I have found are the ones I don’t make. When I refuse to create, I have failed. Every word, thought or spoken, has a life of its own. Even if no one ever reads it, you have created it; therefore, it exists.
# Do you have tips on choosing titles and covers?
First, let me preface this answer by saying that I did VERY poorly in Document and Design in graduate school at Valdosta State University. My favorite professor often told me that I wouldn’t recognize a dominant image if it hit me in the face. However, I do spend so much time on Canva pretending that I can layout my documents. Oftentimes, I am never finished tweaking my book layouts, covers, images, etc. Just this week, I re-created the cover for Esmerelda’s Surprise because I thought it was so insipid now. I actually thought to myself that my book sales have dropped due to that cover. Working with real artists helps, but the more practice I have with layout, the better I get.

# How do bad reviews and negative feedback affect you and how do you deal with them?
At this time, I do not have much positive or negative feedback from the public. I am sure that is about to change as Purposeful Day has a publisher and will be out of preorder on November 11, 2021. I will need to revisit this question as my experience grows.

# How has your creation process improved over time?
My process has greatly improved over time. I have a process for writing and editing. Now, I have schedules for my illustrators. I try to time my releases at the beginning of each year. I am still learning and growing, but at least I have a process.
# What role do emotions play in creativity?
Well, I am an emotionally driven person in general; therefore, my emotions run amok quite often. My emotional turmoil from day to day can be channeled to something productive. As people, we feel so much because that is what makes us human. My humanity aka emotional intelligence helps produce motivation for so much of life, especially my writing.
# What are your plans for future books?
I have 38 pieces of titles, books, brainstorms, chapters, etc. inside my google drives. My hope is that even when I pass from planet earth that my girls will continue to publish my work. I see my writing as my LEGACY.