Moment of Impact: Harness the Explosive Power of Three to Maximize Your Mind, Life, and Business
By Jennifer Touma
Defining a Moment of Impact Experience.
I define a moment-of-impact experience as the confluence of thought, emotion, and action. The moment of impact is that exact microsecond when you respond to a challenge, an insight or an opportunity—especially when those moments are unexpected—while remaining confident, decisive, and empowered.
The moment of impact can be an aha moment of discovery, inspiration, and clarity that engages you to rethink your priorities, the courage to finally do what you always wanted, discover a whole new part of yourself. You’re left feeling exhilarated, refreshed, and energetic. However, the moment of impact can also unexpectedly collide with your values, your sense of right and wrong, and your perceptions of how things appear to you.
You can Change Your Life Based on the Decisions You Make in that “Moment of Impact”.
Are you in charge of your life? Do you go after exactly what you want, feeling confident and resourceful, able to succeed? Or do circumstances control you? Do you let events and situations push you away from what you want? Do you downshift your goals into idle as you sit by while things happen around you, leaving all your potential untried and untapped?
Every day, you face changes and challenges. Unexpected things happen. Lives change at a moment’s notice. If you’re like most people, you simply react—you let the events of the moment dictate how you feel, think and act.
But what if you were in control? What if you could feel more aware, more self-directed, more focused? What would happen if you made the most of every one of these moments of impact by taking charge of your thoughts, emotions and actions?
What if five minutes into the presentation, the computer had a technological glitch and shut down permanently? What would you do in that moment? Would you reschedule the presentation for another time or press on? Large and small, our moments of impact happen daily. Be aware of them as they influence your decisions and choices.
How would your life look if you did?
Hello, My Name is Jennifer Touma.
I am an Executive Coach and Mental Toughness Strategist in teaching small business leaders how to hone their leadership skills and personal assets that will help them respond more effectively to situations that come up, be more self-directed, build leadership position and develop a relationship-based workplace.
I believe in a holistic approach to personal-professional growth. You cannot lead others on skills alone. To perform your best, you need the ability to harness personal assets such confidence, determination, and discipline. This is what makes you, the people you work with, and the organization strong.
The Source of Inspiration and Creativity for Me.
The world of martial arts, which is a source of great inspiration to me, is filled with stories and lessons from ancient times to the present. I believe that when we operate in the field of business and in life, we can draw upon the wisdom and insight from the world of martial arts because we’re not looking for information about techniques any more than we could hope to apply specific techniques from the game of golf to the world of business.
It’s when we look deeper into the philosophy and mental approach of martial arts that we can see how to transfer this knowledge to the world of business and life.
The Real-Life Story Behind My Book.
A life-threatening moment-of-impact personal experience in an elevator led to the writing of this book. My skills in mental toughness saved my life when I was confronted by a stranger in an elevator. My mental training prevented me from looking or acting like a victim and made the attacker think twice.
This incident prompted me to author ” Moment of Impact” and create the Power of Three, those decisive moments that create, change and shake us from our comfort zone. Although you may never have a similar experience, you too must understand how the present reality of your surroundings change unnoticed, and you must be prepared to respond to your surroundings with confidence and with a sense of empowerment.
The book is a practical guide to personal change of how to meet those life-altering moments with confidence and decisiveness.
Moment of Impact book offers You.
Moment of Impact: Harness the Explosive Power of Three to Maximize Your Mind, Life, and Business is in essence, how to find that emotional toughness within. It offers essential guidance for becoming self-directed, so that you take charge of what to think and how to feel and act rather than have your thoughts, emotions, and actions determined by the environment, the situation, the moment, or by others.
As you read this book, you’ll discover strategies for tapping the power of three: managing yourself, your thoughts, and mental strength. Mastering these three interconnected aspects of your life expands your ability to succeed by regulating your emotions, managing your thoughts to make the best decision in any situation, and strengthening your inner reserves to achieve the outcomes you desire.
The stories, examples and teaching moments in this book will show you how to apply the power of three in all aspects of your life. You’ll learn how this power aligns with your own experiences to help you master emotions and become self-directed.
How bad reviews and negative feedback affect me and how I deal with them.
At first, I would recoil inside my head, momentarily, searching my inner thoughts and feelings, speculating why. I learned to distance myself emotionally from the reviews to accept the book as an object to be deconstructed. Today, I read the reviews from a different perspective for a better understanding of ‘why’ and deeper insight to create and be more creative.
How I deal with creative block.
I walk away from it and start again with a fresh point of view. I learned to be aware of things that spark my creativity. For instance, watching the movie “Invincible” (Mark Wahlberg), “The Last Samurai”, or recalling a happy memorable moment. Aspiration motivates me to move toward my goals and to do what it takes to achieve my desire and elevate to a higher awareness of my own abilities and capabilities.
For instance, you might start to read books and listen to audios of those who inspire you. Here are three of the most influential authors whose books I’ve read.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the classic motivational book of his secrets of achievement and success, outlined in a simple formula that anyone can understand and achieve. It was modeled after over five hundred successful men and women, many of them millionaires. This book was my model for sharing information about success and provided information that transformed me and my business.
Charles Francis Haanel, because of his principles laid down in his correspondence course The Master Key System. Rather than as a book, it was published in the form of a correspondence course of twenty-four lessons or modules for twenty-four weeks. The course of study is what he refers to as the laws of concentration, attraction, and congruent thinking and action. His book is a system for success.
The Psychology of Winning by Dr. Denis Waitley, a national authority on high performance and personal development who wrote about developing the ten qualities of a total winner. These are vital secrets for taking the talent and potential you have and using it to achieving a goal and attracting success.
What inspires you?
You can obtain a copy of Moment of Impact: Harness the Explosive Power of Three to Maximize Your Mind, Life, and Business at Amazon.