# Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!
Hi! I am Kahlil Crawford & I have authored the new book ØRGΛN C1TY.
I am also a Co-Editor for Synchronized Chaos & I have contributed to several other publications in the past.
ØRGΛN C1TY is my first book.
# What is/are the real-life story(ies) behind your book(s)?
The stories in ØRGΛN C1TY stem from my long-standing interest in technology and futurism.
When I was a kid, my father introduced me to sci-fi, computers & cult films like Blade Runner, TRON and A Brother From Another Planet.
Those interests intensified with the emergence of the internet & the rise of cyberculture (i.e., hacking, cyborgs, cyberpunk, technoshamanism, etc.).
Furthermore, I grew up in Chicago’s House Music culture and the subsequent rise of Detroit Techno & UK rave culture further bolstered those interests.
ØRGΛN C1TY is essentially my attempt to “give back” to these sources that helped shape much of my personal identity.
# How has your creation process improved over time?
As I evolved, I learned to balance creativity and calculation.
In the past, my creative approach was cathartic and improvisational because the ability to create “on the spot” (i.e., “freestyle”) was prized in my creative communities.
However, over time, I learned to sequentially plan my creative steps without compromising my spontaneous aesthetic.
I learned that there truly is order in chaos, which can be easily managed if you embrace the chaos – easier said than done.

# How do you deal with creative block and what inspires/inspired your creativity?
When I reach a block, that means I’ve gone as far as possible on the creative path I was on.
If I see a creative fork ahead, I make a directional choice. If I don’t see a fork, then I return to my creative base (jazz, be-bop, etc.)
and revisit the works of genric masters like Miles Davis & DJ Krush. This helps renew my vision & inspire new directions.
# Do you have any creativity tricks?
Two interesting definitions of the word “trick” is “the Art of doing something” (ca. 1610) & to “accomplish one’s purpose” (1812).
With respect to these contexts, I believe that there is an Art to everything. Artfulness not only guides my purpose, which is to write & create,
but it also grants me success in “non-creative” sectors like Management and IT. The bottom line is to NEVER compromise creativity for gain.
If you OWN your creativity, it will be noticed, provoke curiosity and open doors – there it is!
# Do you tend towards personal satisfaction or aim to serve your readers? Do you balance the two and how?
I tend to aim toward serving my readers because ØRGΛN C1TY would not be possible without them.
To be honest, I am very comfortable and confident in my literary prowess; so I did not need to write a book to validate my status as a Writer.
ØRGΛN C1TY is a response to the demand for me to write a book from people whom I love and respect – family, friends and fans who value my work.
That is why the book has several contributors, namely Amanda Acevedo (design), Mariette Papic – (illustration) & Jannae Jordan (media).
Cristina Deptula, my co-Editor at Synchronized Chaos, & musician Matt Boroff also made valuable contributions.
ØRGΛN C1TY’s inclusionary format is designed to raise the profiles of all of these talented folks.
# What are your plans for future books?
ØRGΛN C1TY’s production process has spawned MΣTΛRHYTHM PRΣSS – a new publishing entity. There’s a new title in the works by one of ØRGΛN C1TY’s contributors.