Hello! I’m Linda Mercury, a writer and creator of really unusual fictional worlds. More than anything, I care about compassion, connection, and intimacy. Prior to becoming a writer, I used to be a librarian, historian, and professional clown (but not all at once).
But then, something happened: September 11, 2001. After the attacks, I felt great sadness and even greater determination. I knew there had to be a better way to bring people together, make good times happen, and transmit the values of love and caring.
So I started my research. I read a lot, I wrote a lot. Now, here I am.
Today, my life’s work is to share what I know about love, history, and passion with as many people as I possibly can. Sometimes, my work looks like very sexy paranormal romance novels. Other times, it is blog posts on history, feminism, and intercultural understanding.
Ultimately, all of my work is about coming together. Because life is way better when people tell each other the truth of who they are.
Real life stories behind my books:
My books start with a kernel of an idea, often suggested by a dream or by just following my weird, rambling brain. The Blood Wings series started with a dream about Napoleon’s Peninsular Campaign where the best general was a Vlad Dracula who had actually been born a woman. I spent the next few days wondering what that character was like. And I started writing her.
Curse of the Spider Woman came from my love of Greek mythology combined with my love of spy movies.
The Little Sexy Workbook slowly emerged after years of being a reference librarian. People ask lots of intimate questions and I wanted them to have a safe place to explore the thoughts they have about relationships.
Creative Block:
For myself, I’ve noticed that block is a clear signal that my needs aren’t being met. For example, if I’m in pain or have had trouble sleeping, I simply don’t have the bandwidth for fresh ideas. A writer needs to take care of herself in order to create with joy and ease. That includes feeding one’s head with the visual arts, history, and talking to other people. I say, get out there and immerse yourself in life.
Bad reviews and other rejections:
The second review on my first book called it the “worst book she’d read all year”. The first review was even worse. After running around chanting, “I’m Number One! I’m Number One!”, I had to sit down and figure out just how to handle this kind of nasty commentary. Eventually, I created a whole workshop called, “The Worst Book I’ve Ever Read: How to deal with Rejection, Bad Reviews, and Plain Ol’ Nasty People.”
In short, a writer needs to remember that all those horrible comments are not about you and are all about the people who wrote them. Email me if you are interested in more!
Creative Process and evolution thereof:
The nice thing about getting more and more practice with writing is that you recover from your mistakes and insecurities a lot faster. You still feel like you are fooling everyone, but now you know that’s just Imposter Syndrome rearing its hoary head and you can get down to working. Thoughts or situations that used to make you freeze for a few months now only take a day or two.
Future projects:
I am currently stepping out of my comfort zone with my sexy vampires and shapeshifters to co-author a magical realism novel with Sheȧ MacLeod. It is tentatively titled The Dream Factory and will be released in early 2020. It is a joyous coming of age story taking place in a depressed Midwestern town.
Now that you know a little bit more about who I am (and how I got here), you can drop me a line at LindaMercuryRomance@gmail.com, visit my website at www.LindaMercury.com. You can buy signed copies books at my website or www.amazon.com/Linda-Mercury/e/B00BKP9C44
Here are 10 quirky, delightful + totally true things about me:
- I know how to make balloon animals.
- Wonder Woman is one of my inspirations.
- So is Miss Piggy. Hi-yah!
- I always wanted to be a Muppeteer.
- I have studied Middle Eastern dance for nearly twenty years.
- I’m the black sheep of my immediate family, for I don’t have a PhD.
- I play a mean kazoo.
- There’s a redwood tree in my backyard. Which makes me happy every day.
- I’m a Scorpio.
- I love lipstick.