Please introduce yourself and your book(s)!
Hello, I’m Pamela K. Kinney, and I write horror, fantasy, science fiction and I also have written nonfiction regional ghost books. The latest novel was an urban fantasy, How the Vortex Changed My Life, my first and at the moment, my only self-published book, published on Amazon in Kindle and trade paperback.
The last short story of mine, “The Orang Bati,” was published in the horror anthology, 13 Backyard Monsters.
The latest ghost book is Virginia’s Haunted Historic Triangle 2nd Edition: Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown, and Other haunted Locations, published by Schiffer Publishing. This book is a second printing of the first edition, but I could make it a second edition by adding twenty more pages of new stories and ten new photos (all are ghostly images). Schiffer added a new cover and I did a new book blub, an it released August 15, 2019. I have been on the go since, doing book signings and events for it—which will be all the way through November 16th at the moment.
What inspires/inspired your creativity?
I think like Ray Bradbury, many of the things I have around me—statues, books, etc…Also a scene in a movie or TV show hits me with an idea. An urban legend (why my ghost books teach me, not just history, but legends, myths, monsters I never knew about before. I learn as much as the readers of the ghost books. I try to keep my imagination active.
How do you deal with creative block?
I am not sure I call it a block, but sometimes I cannot go on writing a current writing project, so what I do is work another writing project, like a short story. Or I just take a break for a day, watch a movie, or read a book. Then I am able to resume the writing I was working on.
Do you have tips on choosing titles and covers?
Well, if you are being published through a publisher, most times you may not have input with a cover, although I had some let me suggest cover ideas, or in the case of Schiffer, what photos of mine I like to be used. As for titles, Schiffer has changed a bit of titles I suggest, but in my fiction stories, novellas or novels, most were used as I suggested.
How has your creation process improved over time?
Like anything else with practicing over and over, writing improves. I believe my writing is getting better with each new manuscript I worked on. Still, a good editor and beta readers (this second one for my self-published novel) worth their weight in gold, helps strengthen what I have!
Do you tend towards personal satisfaction or aim to serve your readers? Do you balance the two and how?
I think any author is hopefully aiming for the personal satisfaction of the story of their heart. When we edit and listen to the suggestions of critique groups and beta readers, or what your editor says, that is when we think of our readers. But in the long run, it comes up to that inner voice the writer has that I listen to. It seems to be working for me.
What role do emotions play in creativity?
Plenty. I am glad I learned acting and even acted in films and on stage. I feel it helps me get in my characters’ heads and feel what they feel. Give them a back story that isn’t always completely in any fiction story readers read.
What are your plans for future books?
I am working on a seventh ghost book, not for Schiffer as they are no longer doing regional ghost books, but for a small press publisher, Anubis Press. It is due by November 1st, so I have been trying to find time to drive down to the Surry to the Suffolk area of Virginia for actual investigations, interviews, and taking photos with my camera, plus research online or in books of any haunted spots or legends. Ghost books are part physical and part behind the laptop writing. Totally different than writing with your imagination a piece of fiction at your desk. I also have a horror novel, edited and ready to submit, so debating which publisher to submit.
I also have my first science fiction, a novella, coming from Dreampunk Press. It is called Maverick Heart.
Tell us some quirky facts about yourself.
I like to do paranormal investigating. I just did one with my team for a local moose lodge that is haunted. I like to go for drives to visit cool places. I think many of these stick in my head and can end up settings for stories I have written or I will write one day, I collect anything to do with dragons, ghosts, and Halloween. That is statues, books, paintings, jewelry, etc… I used to and one day hope to return to it, make and wear costumes. I used to make them to wear to science fiction conventions, even enter masquerades (what costume contests used to be called), winning until became what is called a master costumer.
my website: https://PamelaKKinney.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pamela-K-Kinney-Author-and-Actress-243788913375/
Twitter: Pamela K. Kinney (@PamelaKKinney) | Twitter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pamelak.ki/