Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Sonja Dewing, an award-winning creative writer who loves adventure and humor. I also run Plot Duckies, where I help writers write their creative stories. In addition, I’m a liaison for National Novel Writing Month in Albuquerque, NM. What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? When I wrote Toy … Continue reading “Interview With Author Sonja Dewing”
Author Interviews
Hundreds of interviews with authors (both fiction/nonfiction and self/traditionally-published, mostly covering questions about writing, creativity and publishing) across a wide variety of backgrounds, genres and writing experience – from a Pennsylvania state representative who debuted with mental health-themed science fiction, to a former NASA space missions spokeswoman who has written over 25 children’s educational books, to a UK politician-turned-thriller-writer with 330 million book sales to his name.
Interview With Author Kristina Steiner
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Kristina Steiner and I am an author of contemporary romance novels. I am from Slovenia, Europe, but I currently live in Bangalore, India. My first book was published on April 1 and my next one, the sequel, will be released on May 31. Reading is my … Continue reading “Interview With Author Kristina Steiner”
Interview With Author Katie Epstein
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi. My name is Katie Epstein. I’m an author of urban fantasy, fantasy, and paranormal romance. I’m known for the Terra Vane series, and the paranormal romance Prophecy Child series. I also have a standalone novel out—a twisted fairytale based on the Cinderella story. What is/are the story(ies) behind … Continue reading “Interview With Author Katie Epstein”
Interview With Author Don Shetterly
Author, pianist, and a licensed massage therapist, Don Shetterly overcame a mysterious condition called conversion disorder. Sharing his experiences of being molested and tortured as a child through books he has written, blogs, and workshops he has led, Don endeavors to help others unlock the full potential of healing in their own lives. Since graduating … Continue reading “Interview With Author Don Shetterly”
Interview With Author Margaret Sorick
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Meg Sorick —actually it’s Margaret but everybody calls me Meg. I write because I love to read. And really isn’t that every avid reader’s dream? To write a novel of their own? So I’m living the dream! Now, if I would just top the best seller’s … Continue reading “Interview With Author Margaret Sorick”
Interview With Author Dr. Margaret Meloni
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi there! I am Margaret Meloni, author of Carpooling with Death: How living with death will make you stronger, wiser and fearless. Now, don’t run away. Yes, this is a book about death. But it is a book about making friends with death. About becoming comfortable with the role … Continue reading “Interview With Author Dr. Margaret Meloni”
Interview With Author Olivia Gaines
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am Olivia Gaines, a USA Today Best Selling and multiple award-winning author who loves a good laugh coupled with some steam, mixed in with a man and woman finding their way past the words of “I love you.” I am an author of contemporary romances and write heartwarming … Continue reading “Interview With Author Olivia Gaines”
Interview With Author Debbie Thomas
Please introduce yourself and your book My name is Debbie Thomas and I am the author of Stop Paying Out! – a how-to guide that shows readers how to save thousands during a divorce or when ending a civil partnership. The book provides step-by-step action points and shows readers how to radically reduce what they … Continue reading “Interview With Author Debbie Thomas”
Interview With Author Steven A. McKay
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Steven A. McKay, a historical fiction author from Scotland. My debut novel was called Wolf’s Head and it was part of the Forest Lord series which had 4 full length novels along with novellas and short stories. My latest book, The Druid, came out in November 2018 and … Continue reading “Interview With Author Steven A. McKay”
Interview With Author Robert Rossi
Please introduce yourself and your book After a successful career at the front end of industry I decided to spend my so called retirement writing a series of novels. I have always had a fascination about social history, and as a Scots Italian, in particular the lives of the emigrant Italian diaspora to the UK … Continue reading “Interview With Author Robert Rossi”
Interview With Author Dr. Paul Clayton
Dr Paul Clayton graduated summa cum laude in Medical Pharmacology from Edinburgh University, prior to obtaining his PhD. A former Chair of the Forum on Food & Health (UK), and Senior Scientific Advisor to the UK government’s Committee on the Safety of Medicines, he is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Food, Brain & … Continue reading “Interview With Author Dr. Paul Clayton”
Interview With Author Bryon Cahill
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi, my name, as it was given to me, is Bryon Cahill. I’m a lifetime writer, first time published novelist. I Am Marcus Fox was released for human consumption May 7, 2019 — the day I became a bonafide author. Though I have written several other novels for young … Continue reading “Interview With Author Bryon Cahill”
Interview With Author Konn Lavery
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi Tony, thanks for having me! My name is Konn Lavery, I am a Canadian author who writes in dark fantasy, horror, and thriller genres. By day I am a contract graphic designer and web developer which gives me plenty of flexibility to write and promote the novels. My … Continue reading “Interview With Author Konn Lavery”
Interview With Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon
“Books can come by imagination with vibrant storylines and characters. Come in many genres and about real life, or sometimes they come by way of a little “Divine Intervention” like my book. ~Author, Catherine Townsend-Lyon Please Introduce Yourself Hello. Most know me as “Cat.” I reside “In The Valley of The Sun” in Phoenix, Arizona. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon”
Interview With Author Brian Paone
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I was born and reared in the Salem, Massachusetts area. I currently live in Monterrey, CA with my wife—a US Naval Officer—and our four children. I’m a retired police officer and worked in law enforcement for sixteen years from 2002 – 2018. I’m a self-proclaimed roller coaster junkie, a … Continue reading “Interview With Author Brian Paone”
Interview With Author Debbie Burke
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Debbie Burke, and GLISSANDO: A story of love, lust and jazz. This novel came out July 2018, and it’s about rediscovered midlife lust. The synopsis reads: Sharp-witted paralegal Ellie Greenberg has a dynamite career at a law firm in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Happily divorced, in the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Debbie Burke”
Interview With Author Angela Porter
Hello to you. I’m Angela Porter and I’m the author and illustrator for ‘A Dangle A Day’ and the illustrator of many adult coloring books including ‘Color Me Calm’, ‘Entangled’, ‘Entangled Dragonflies’, ‘Zendoodle Designs’, and more. My amazon author page is My blog is What are the stories behind my books? The first … Continue reading “Interview With Author Angela Porter”
Interview With Author Michael Jecks
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am the author of 43 novels and have collaborated on another ten. Most of my stories have been historical crime, with 32 in my Templar series. When I first began writing, some 25 years ago, I was determined that each book would be entirely different from the one … Continue reading “Interview With Author Michael Jecks”
Interview With Authors Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Josie Thomson
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Jeffrey Schwartz: I am a research psychiatrist who 25 years ago developed a mindfulness based method for people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to understand that their brains were actually sending them false messages about perceptions around things having to do with things being in the right order, clean … Continue reading “Interview With Authors Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Josie Thomson”
Interview With Author James Victor Jordan
Interview of James Victor Jordan, author of The Speed of Life, an Illustrated Novel. Author Q&A Congratulations! Tell us about your book. Thank you. The Speed of Life, an Illustrated Novel is literary fiction in the cloak of a legal—or alternatively a psychological—thriller. At the outset the love of Estella, a federal prosecutor, for … Continue reading “Interview With Author James Victor Jordan”
Interview With Author Ellie Mary Scott
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Ellie Scott and I write fiction in a range of genres, but I’d describe most of it as ‘speculative’. In 2018 I was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize Short Story Award. I have published two short story collections – Merry Bloody Christmas and Come What May Day. I … Continue reading “Interview With Author Ellie Mary Scott”
Interview With Author Karen Osman
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Karen Osman and I’m an author, writing psychological thriller books. I have always written in some form or another from a very young age. I loved it and it was, and continues to be, a daily part of my life – even on holidays! I started … Continue reading “Interview With Author Karen Osman”
Interview With Author Barbara Dilorenzo
– Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Barbara Dilorenzo, and I’m a children’s book author and illustrator. I went to college at the Rhode Island School of Design, where I majored in illustration. My first book, Renato and the Lion (Viking, 2017) was well-received. Booklist gave it a starred review. It was … Continue reading “Interview With Author Barbara Dilorenzo”
Interview With Author Jill Smith
Introduce myself I have always been a writer. My first memory of writing was stick figure comic as a seven or eight-year-old. Someone who read it said they liked the story. I put together an Interplanetary Zoo which was quite detailed, and the creatures were way out there. One of my sisters said, ‘that can’t … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jill Smith”
An Interview With Author Christina Bauer
With more than 20 published fantasy titles, Christina Bauer’s writing has been called “must read paranormal romance” by USA Today. As part of her launch tour for her most recent novel, ALIEN MINDS, author Christina stopped by the NFReads. Here’s the interview! Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I write fantasy-romance books that feature kick-ass … Continue reading “An Interview With Author Christina Bauer”
Interview With Author Kathryn Rose Newey
Please introduce yourself and your books! Hello! My name is Kathryn Rose Newey and I write ‘interactive’ novels in the Environmental Fiction / Eco-Fiction and Science-Fiction genres. My books are aimed at young teens and middle-grade age groups, but my environmental books have older readers too, including adults of all ages. I have published three … Continue reading “Interview With Author Kathryn Rose Newey”
Interview With Author Lisa Mason
– Please introduce yourself and your books I’m Lisa Mason, a longtime resident of the San Francisco Bay area. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and went to school in Ann Abor at the University of Michigan, the College of Literature, Sciences, and the Arts, and the University of Michigan Law School. I … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lisa Mason”
Interview With Author Elizabeth Billingsley
My name is Elizabeth Billingsley, author and owner of Wisdom’s Words LLC. What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? My first book, The Road Less Traveled: A Story of Love, Pain, Hope and Everything In-Between, is about my abusive marriage to my late husband Jeff, the mental illness he was living with and his ultimate … Continue reading “Interview With Author Elizabeth Billingsley”
Interview With Author A. B. Funkhauser
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m A. B. Funkhauser and I’m delighted to be profiled here on NF Reads. My on-line biographies variously describe me as an outdoor enthusiast, classic car nut, mother, mortician, monkey and purveyor of gonzo mortuary revenge fiction. What that actually means is that I write blended genre fiction based … Continue reading “Interview With Author A. B. Funkhauser”
Interview With Author Vinod Desai
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Vinod Desai. I live a prudent life, know how to invest well, and am an author of multiple books in the area of investing and personal finances. My most recent book called ‘Grownups Are Just Kids With Money’ makes this otherwise intimidating topic accessible to everyone. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Vinod Desai”
Interview With Author Patty Blount
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Patty Blount, author of award-winning contemporary and young adult novels. Most of my young adult novels deal with internet issues like bullying, the dangers of trusting strangers, and victim-blaming. What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? My debut novel, SEND, was inspired by my son’s ordeal with bullying. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Patty Blount”
Interview With Author M Pepper Langlinais
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m M Pepper Langlinais (the “M” stands for “Manda”). I started out writing Sherlock Holmes stories, moved through some espionage and fantasy, and landed in historical romance. They say write the things you like to read, and I like to read a lot of different things! I also studied … Continue reading “Interview With Author M Pepper Langlinais”
Interview With Author Suzan St Maur
Suzan St Maur is a multi-published bestselling (genuinely) author who now works as an author coach as well as writing more of her own books, 35 of which so far have been published. You can read all about her professionaland personal life on her award-winning website,, here – Suzan lives in Milton Keynes, … Continue reading “Interview With Author Suzan St Maur”
Interview With Author Lynda Rees
# Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Lynda Rees, The Murder Guru. I’m an adventure seeker and old enough to know better, but I do it anyway. My motto is More Fun Faster. I live on a small horse farm in north-central Kentucky between Cincinnati and Lexington. The community is so small, when I … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lynda Rees”
Interview With Author Paul Parry
– Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Paul Parry, the author of two self-published books, Pazzabaijan and Mr Lizard. My next book will be out later in 2019. – What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? Pazzabaijan is about my ten-year journey from being clueless and facing redundancy to working in a different industry … Continue reading “Interview With Author Paul Parry”
Interview With Author Camilla Kristiansen
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Camilla Kristiansen. I have written so far 41 inspirational books for women who wants to live their freedom lifestyle doing what they love. My first book was «You can have it all!» and my latest book is called «Follow Flow!» You can find them all at … Continue reading “Interview With Author Camilla Kristiansen”
Interview With Author Fred Rayworth
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Fred Rayworth and I’m the author of multiple-genre books. So far, I’ve completed eleven manuscripts and am working on number twelve. I’ve published three at this point. Treasure Of The Umbrunna is fantasy and came out in 2015. Lusitania Gold is adventure/thriller and came out in … Continue reading “Interview With Author Fred Rayworth”
Interview With Author Julia Robb
Please introduce yourself and your books! Hi, I’m Julia Robb, who lives in Marshall, TX, and I’ve published five historical novels: Saint of the Burning Heart (set in 1960’s West Texas), Scalp Mountain (1876 Texas), Del Norte (1870 Texas), The Captive Boy (1870 Texas) and The Stamp of Heaven (1870 Texas and Civil War battlefields). … Continue reading “Interview With Author Julia Robb”
Interview With Author Samuel Gospodarek
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! A beginning self-published author in Arizona named Samuel Gospodarek. Born and raised in Surprise where everything started out as a small place in a large desert filled with cacti and is now a bigger city with cars covered in cacti (partially). I consider my personality a stew of other … Continue reading “Interview With Author Samuel Gospodarek”
Interview With Author Rod Johnson
Please introduce yourself and your books! I’m Rod Johnson. I retired from my financial advisory practice two years ago to have more time for my family and writing. Since my daughter got her driver’s license a few months ago, I lost my job as her chauffer. Consequently, I have a lot more time for my … Continue reading “Interview With Author Rod Johnson”
Interview With Author Janice Spina
Please introduce yourself and your books! My name is Janice Spina aka J.E. Spina of am a published author of 24 books and counting, a blogger, copy editor, poet, avid reader and reviewer of books, and supporter of my fellow authors. My books have earned 1 MOM’S Choice Book Awards, 9 Pinnacle Book Achievement … Continue reading “Interview With Author Janice Spina”
Interview With Author Scott Harper
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Scott Harper. I grew up in central Ohio, lived in Florida for 14 years, and now live in northern California. My wife, and I met when we both lived in Florida, but didn’t get together until she had moved back to northern California to be with … Continue reading “Interview With Author Scott Harper”
Interview With Author Diana Stevan
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Diana Stevan and feel so blessed to have written three very different novels and a novelette. A Cry From The Deep, was my debut novel, a romantic mystery/adventure with some time slip. This one’s about an underwater photographer who’s assigned to cover the hunt for one of the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Diana Stevan”
Interview With Author Sandra Duran Wilson
Please introduce yourself and your books. Finding inspiration in unlikely places has always been what intrigues me. Hi, I am Sandra Duran Wilson, an artist, writer and closet scientist. I grew up looking into microscopes and telescopes and then painting what I saw. I have written six books on art techniques and the creative process. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Sandra Duran Wilson”
Interview With Author Ella E Barnard
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I work with writers who are ready to become authors. I enjoy helping people write a great story, find their ideal readers, build their author brand, and publish their books. My superpower is doing all that in a way that is practical, effective, and fun. I am a mindset … Continue reading “Interview With Author Ella E Barnard”
Interview With Author David William Pearce
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is David William Pearce; I live in Kenmore, Washington, a burb of Seattle and I’m the author of Where Fools Dare to Tread, A Monk Buttman Mystery, published by Black Rose Writing, and is the first book in the series. The second, A Twinkle in the Eyes … Continue reading “Interview With Author David William Pearce”
Interview With Author Evelyne Fallows
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am a citizen of the world, born and raised in France. I lived in Europe, Asia and the Middle-East for 20 years, and am now a very happy New Yorker. I love to travel and explore, meet new people, discover new cultures, taste exotic food. You can find … Continue reading “Interview With Author Evelyne Fallows”
Interview With Author Gill Bentham
Tell us some quirky facts about yourself A long-running British radio programme interviews famous public figures, plays extracts of eight favourite tracks or musical choices and then offers two classic tomes. The Complete Works of Shakespeare and the Bible are the only two books available to them for the rest of their life as a … Continue reading “Interview With Author Gill Bentham”
Interview With Author Joana Saahirah
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Joana Saahirah, I´m an internationally renowned Oriental Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer, and Author. I started my career in Egypt, where I performed daily with the best musicians of Egypt, and soon after that became a featured invited Artist/Teacher at Dance Festivals from all over the world. Aside … Continue reading “Interview With Author Joana Saahirah”
Author Feature: Réal Laplaine
Réal Laplaine Author I think the inspiration to write was first seeded back in high school, in Canada, where I grew up, when I read such books as 1984 by Orwell, A Canticle for Leibowitz by Miller and of course, Tolkien. The author who finally kicked me over the edge was Richard Bach … Continue reading “Author Feature: Réal Laplaine”
Interview With Author Brendan Gerad O’Brien
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! * I’m Brendan Gerad O’Brien. I was born in Tralee, Ireland and now live in Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom. As a child I spent his summer holidays in Listowel, Co Kerry where my uncle Moss Scanlon had a Harness Maker’s shop. It was a magnet for all sorts … Continue reading “Interview With Author Brendan Gerad O’Brien”
Interview With Author Dawn Davies
Please introduce yourself and your book! Hi, I’m Dawn Davies. I am the author of Mothers of Sparta: A Memoir in Pieces, published in 2018 by Flatiron Books, as well as 50 other published essays, poems, and shorts stories. Mothers of Sparta won the 2018 Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and the 2019 Great … Continue reading “Interview With Author Dawn Davies”
Interview With Author Linda Covella
Please introduce yourself and your books. My mother, who was a school librarian and an artist, showed me the wonder and joy of reading. Today, I must always have a book to read. She also taught me how to draw and paint. While growing up, I wrote and illustrated stories, including a fairy tale about … Continue reading “Interview With Author Linda Covella”
Interview With Author Aaron D McClelland
Please introduce yourself and your books My name is Aaron D McClelland and I am the author of the Gangster series and a companion piece I recently published titled; ‘ That Dog Don’t Bark’. I’m currently working on a crime novel heavy with desert mysticism and have a horror on the back burner. I was … Continue reading “Interview With Author Aaron D McClelland”
Author Feature: Mareya Ibrahim
By Mareya Ibrahim As we are completing our 4th month of 2019, it is obvious that we, as a collective society, are becoming much more health-conscious and actually aware of what we are putting into our bodies. From instagram influencers to your local MD, there is a constant onslaught of information on how to make … Continue reading “Author Feature: Mareya Ibrahim”
Interview With Author KL Forslund
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m KL Forslund and I’m working on my first book. My parents didn’t name me KL, but they did pick something with overlapping search results on Google, so I use my initials. I’ve published a few of my shorter works, including my Dino-Pirates of the Wreckless Abandon novella on … Continue reading “Interview With Author KL Forslund”
Interview With Author Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Question: Please introduce yourself and your new book. Answer: Hi there! I am Lorie Kleiner Eckert and I am a gal with lots of feathers in my cap: I have four books in print, three with Pelican Publishing Company and one with RoseWK Publishing I wrote an award-winning column for three years and syndicated it … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lorie Kleiner Eckert”
Interview With Author Esther Rabbit
Esther Rabbit is the Author of Lost in Amber: An Out Of This World Paranormal Romance, Digital Marketing Specialist and Content Creator for upcoming writers. If you too are an upcoming author or a veteran looking to improve your skills in the industry, you might consider checking out her website, and shoot her an email … Continue reading “Interview With Author Esther Rabbit”
Interview With Author Jo Fenton
Please introduce yourself and your books! I’m Jo Fenton, a UK author of psychological thrillers. My debut novel, The Brotherhood, is based in a religious sect in North West England, and is set in a creepy gothic abbey. The sequel, The Refuge, is due out on May 28th, and is also set in the abbey. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jo Fenton”
Interview With Author Nikki Broadwell
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Nikki Broadwell with no real claim to fame aside for self-publishing 24 books, (so far). Unfortunately I came into the novel writing business late in life, after raising two daughters and having a greeting card and silk painting business for many years. Writing has now become my life … Continue reading “Interview With Author Nikki Broadwell”
Interview With Author TK Cherry
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is TK Cherry and I’m a new indie romance author. My debut novel is titled “A Nocturnal Rendezvous.” It’s a standalone and the first of three books in a series called Nighttime Cravings. It releases June 7, 2019, on Amazon. What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? … Continue reading “Interview With Author TK Cherry”
Interview With Author Jack Huber
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am Jack Huber, author of the Pat Ruger Mystery series and several books of poetry (and photography), and blogger. My wife and I are also a full-time RV’ers. I just published my 7th Pat Ruger novel, “Music City Mayhem” and have begun to have some of my blog … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jack Huber”
Author Feature: Peter Harrower
Hello my name is Peter, and I have a unique story. Going back over 23 years ago. I was diagnosed with a Learning Disability and Dyslexia at age six. From ages 6-25 was a tuff time frame for myself. I never thought I would be where I am today. Turning a weakness and something I … Continue reading “Author Feature: Peter Harrower”
Interview With Author Adam Cheshier
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’ve been writing fiction for several years with many unpublished stories and memoirs, however, Summer of ‘92 is the first novel which has been published under Wanderway Publishing House. You can purchase a paperback copy or digital e-book on Amazon. What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? An … Continue reading “Interview With Author Adam Cheshier”
Interview With Author Michael Berry
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Mike Berry and my books are Confessions Of An Adoptive Parent: Hope and Help From The Trenches Of Foster Care and Adoption & Winning The Heart Of Your Child: 9 Keys To Building A Positive Lifelong Relationship With Your Kids. What is/are the story(ies) behind your … Continue reading “Interview With Author Michael Berry”
Interview With Author Beth Kurland
Hi, I’m Beth Kurland and I’m a clinical psychologist, public speaker, and author. I have been in practice since 1994, working with people across the lifespan, providing evidence-based treatment for a range of issues and life challenges. I am passionate about teaching mindfulness and mind-body strategies for well-being, as these have been transformative in my … Continue reading “Interview With Author Beth Kurland”
Author Feature: Ashley Michaud
Are you stuck in a pattern or habit that is holding you back? My name is Ashley, and my mission is to empower and inspire, enhancing peoples ability to heal themselves, live a passion-based life, and ignite a ripple effect that transforms the world. I am a Certified Health Coach, Attuned Reiki Master and author … Continue reading “Author Feature: Ashley Michaud”
Interview With Author Joseph Carrabis
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Howdy. Joseph Carrabis here. My books – Empty Sky (available at, Tales Told ‘Round Celestial Campfires (, the separate Tales as ebooks ( My next book, The Augmented Man, is due out 25 July 2019. You can pre-order a signed copy at and read my first review … Continue reading “Interview With Author Joseph Carrabis”
Interview With Author Anne Montgomery
Anne Butler Montgomery has worked as a television sportscaster, newspaper and magazine writer, teacher, amateur baseball umpire, and high school football referee. Her novel, The Scent of Rain, was released in March 2017. A Light in the Desert was published in November and Nothing But Echoes will soon be released. Montgomery teaches journalism at South … Continue reading “Interview With Author Anne Montgomery”
Interview With Author Melinda Kucsera
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Melinda Kucsera writes fantastic short stories, novels, and books when not being kidnapped by dragons or chased by armies of fictional creatures. (We do, on occasion, rescue her.) She leaves the running of her newsletter to a cast of lovable characters who hog her inbox. Enough about her, it’s … Continue reading “Interview With Author Melinda Kucsera”
Interview With Author Allison Rose Clark
Please introduce yourself and your book! My name is Allison Rose Clark and I’m the author of “I Don’t Hate Me Anymore”. I live on the South Coast of NSW, Australia with the youngest of my three children and a very snuggly ginger cat. What is the Story behind your book? “I Don’t Hate Me … Continue reading “Interview With Author Allison Rose Clark”
Interview With Author Lauricia Matuska
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! In addition to being a novelist, I am a high school English teacher, which was an unplanned, even despised, career but which has become a labor of love. I write young adult / new adult fantasy; right now I’m focusing on epic high fantasy. My current trilogy is one … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lauricia Matuska”
Interview With Author Ellwyn Autumn
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hello Readers, My name is Ellwyn Autumn. I am a children and fantasy writer. I’ve written a middle-grade novel called Chris Kringles Cops The First Mission, a novella about Captain Hook that tells his side of the story, and I’ve started a picture book series titled The Kamyla Chung … Continue reading “Interview With Author Ellwyn Autumn”
Interview With Author Russell Nohelty
Please introduce yourself and your book(s) My name is Russell Nohelty. I am a USA Today bestselling author of dark fantasy and science fiction novels and graphic novels. I’ve written over 20 novels set to premiere in 2019/2020, and have raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter for novels, graphic novels, and anthologies. What is/are the story(ies) … Continue reading “Interview With Author Russell Nohelty”
Author Feature: Dan Henk
I grew up on isolated army bases all over the country. We didn’t have a TV until I was in the 5th grade, when at last my grandma felt sorry for us and donated her old TV. Even then it was a small, worn unit that was missing knobs, swathed in fake wood paneling, and … Continue reading “Author Feature: Dan Henk”
Interview With Author Viviana MacKade
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Viviana MacKade, hailing from South Florida by way of England and, before it, Italy. I write Romantic Contemporary and Suspense and Fantasy. How do you deal with creative block? I’ve always been great at pushing through. If a scene gave me trouble, if words ran slow, I’d simply … Continue reading “Interview With Author Viviana MacKade”
Interview With Author Gilian Baker
What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? When I started writing my first book, Blogging is Murder, I was at a crossroad. My family and I had just moved cross country, our only child was starting college, and I was tired of teaching English to college students who didn’t care about what I had to … Continue reading “Interview With Author Gilian Baker”
Interview With Author Kaye Allen
There’s a new author on the block! Check out an interview from Ant Colony Press’ newest author, Kaye Allen, who recently made her US debut with WORDS, FATE & ACCIDENTS, as she talks about her career, her writing secrets and her books!!! Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi! I’m Kaye Allen, 24-year-old author from … Continue reading “Interview With Author Kaye Allen”
Interview With Author Shelly Crane
What inspires your creativity? Honestly anything can do that for me. Mostly music or things I hear in conversation when people are just being normal. My mind is always on, always listening, always looking for the next story I can tell. How do you deal with creative block? Well, honestly, my mind works more than … Continue reading “Interview With Author Shelly Crane”
Interview With Author Tim Patterson
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Tim Patterson, aka TradeshowGuy. I have two books, both of them self-published and available on Amazon as paperbacks or Kindle downloads: Tradeshow Success: 14 Proven Steps to Take Your Tradeshow Marketing to the Next Level (2015) Tradeshow Superheroes and Exhibiting Zombies: 66 Lists Making the Most … Continue reading “Interview With Author Tim Patterson”
Interview With Author Samantha Wilcoxson
Please introduce yourself and your books. I love to travel to new places, and the past is my favorite destination. My husband and our three teenagers will attest that we cannot go anywhere without me finding a historical site for us to explore. We have been to dozens of places that each inspired my writing … Continue reading “Interview With Author Samantha Wilcoxson”
Interview With Author Joanne Homer
I am a life-inspired Author, and I write romance novels. I seek to empower and inspire through my writing. I have led a very eventful life, and have had a wide experience of many different situations. My books encompass a lot of topics in them, that are very prevalent in everyday life for a lot … Continue reading “Interview With Author Joanne Homer”
Interview With Author Loretta Goldberg
Please introduce yourself. Hello all. Thank you, NFReads, for giving me the chance to talk to your subscribers. I’m Australian-American. I came to the USA after getting a BA in English Literature, Musicology and History at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The Department of English appointed me as a tutor, which could have been the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Loretta Goldberg”
Interview With Author Rosemary Noble
Please Introduce Yourself I live in Sussex on the south coast of England. We have the sea a few yards away and the beautiful Sussex Downs behind us. Nearby is the Roman city of Chichester and in the other direction the castle of Arundel, home of the Dukes of Norfolk. The resonance of centuries surrounds … Continue reading “Interview With Author Rosemary Noble”
Interview With Author Teri Polen
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Teri Polen, and I’m a multi-genre young adult author. Sarah, my first book, is a YA horror/thriller. It was a horror finalist in the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. My second book, The Gemini Connection, is a YA sci-fi/fantasy. I’m currently writing my third book, which has … Continue reading “Interview With Author Teri Polen”
Interview With Author Ann Marie Thomas
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’ve been writing poetry and making up stories since I was a child, but I only started to write seriously when my children were grown. My main ambition was to write science fiction, but along the way I got fascinated by local history and distracted by a major stroke. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Ann Marie Thomas”
Interview With Author Jack Ridl
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Jack Ridl. I have some dozen books out there ranging from books about literature to such poetry collections as Broken Symmetry, Practicing to Walk Like a Heron, and Saint Peter and the Goldfinch (Wayne State University Press) and Losing Season (CasvanKerry Press) What is/are the story(ies) … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jack Ridl”
Interview With Author Beth Daigle
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi, my name is Beth Daigle and I’m an author, writer and blogger. I am a life-long story-teller who found a passion for writing following the birth of my daughters. As a former marketing professional, writing was always a part of the job. When it came time to “get … Continue reading “Interview With Author Beth Daigle”
Interview With Author W.E. DeVore
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hello everyone! I’m W.E. DeVore, a musician, audio engineer, and author of a series of neo-noir detective novels set in my adopted home of New Orleans. The Clementine Toledano Mysteries centers around Clementine “Q” Toledano, a musician with a bad habit of stumbling over dead bodies. Teaming up with … Continue reading “Interview With Author W.E. DeVore”
Interview With Author Jill Kemerer
Hi, I’m Jill Kemerer, a Publishers Weekly best-selling author of inspirational romance novels for Harlequin™ Love Inspired. My new book, His Wyoming Baby Blessing, is the fourth novel in the Wyoming Cowboys series and release April 16, 2019. It’s a story of a struggling rancher reunited with his recently widowed, childhood best friend who happens … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jill Kemerer”
Interview With Author G. M. Lupo
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am an author and playwright from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m a graduate of Georgia State University and New York University’s graduate writing program. I published my first novel in 2007, an extremely long work called The Long-Timers, a fantasy and science fiction work about people who live for thousands … Continue reading “Interview With Author G. M. Lupo”
Interview With Author Lynda McKinney Lambert
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Some people said, “I loved your book but I really was sat at the end of it.” I asked, “why?” I was surprised and certain did not want anyone to feel so sad when reading my book. They said, “I never wanted it to end.” Oh, that was different, … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lynda McKinney Lambert”
Interview With Author Marcia Biederman
Please introduce yourself and your books. I’m a recovering fiction writer who is now obsessed with biography. I used to write mystery novels with female protagonists at a time when that was unusual. In fact, the New York Times Book Review described me as one of the women writers who were “redefining the mystery genre … Continue reading “Interview With Author Marcia Biederman”
Interview With Author Arpita Pramanick
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi everyone! I’m Arpita from India. I’m a self-published author of two books, Bound by Life and How I Tamed the Dragon Named Fear. The former is a work of fiction and contains ten short stories based in rural and urban India. The latter is a non-fiction self-help book … Continue reading “Interview With Author Arpita Pramanick”
Interview With Author John-Clement Gallo
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is John-Clement Gallo. I’m 17 and the author of The Shadowverse: A YA Sci-Fi Superhero Adventure. Besides being a writer, I’m also a martial artist in Taekwondo and Hapkido, I fly RC planes (got my license at 10, youngest in the state), play the trumpet, and study … Continue reading “Interview With Author John-Clement Gallo”
Interview With Author J. A. McIntosh
Please introduce yourself and your books! My name is J. A. McIntosh and I write about imperfect people seeking justice. My series is set in Meredith, Massachusetts, a rural town just outside of Worcester. All my characters are involved with the juvenile justice system in Massachusetts. Niagara Fontaine is an attorney for the Department of … Continue reading “Interview With Author J. A. McIntosh”
Interview With Author Susan Buffum
Please introduce yourself and your books- My name is Susan Buffum and I am the author of 18 novels, 19 anthologies, 6 novellas, and one early reader chapter book. The majority of my books have paranormal and/or supernatural elements paired with romance. I have a series dealing with witches and warlocks (Black King Takes White … Continue reading “Interview With Author Susan Buffum”
Interview With Author Molly McCluskey-Shipman
Intro/ What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? Thanks for this opportunity! I’m Molly McCluskey-Shipman, children’s book author from Kansas City. I’ve written two books; Emma’s Dilemma (2015), a book about adoption/belonging and Festeva’s Holiday Cheer (2018) about a dog who does good deeds in the world. What inspires/inspired your creativity? My background is in … Continue reading “Interview With Author Molly McCluskey-Shipman”
Interview With Author Mary Martinez
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Mary lives in Magna, a little town west of Salt Lake City, Utah. Together with her husband, she has six grown children, and six wonderful grandsons and five beautiful granddaughters. She loves to spend time with family and friends–she includes good books as friends! Mary and her husband love … Continue reading “Interview With Author Mary Martinez”
Interview With Author Bonnie Manning
Hello, my name is Bonnie Manning, and I use the pen name, Tekoa Manning. Tekoa is the Hebrew word for trumpet. I write both fiction and non-fiction, and I am also an active blogger at My fictional works are Polishing Jade, a historical novel set in Mississippi in the 1960s. If you enjoyed The … Continue reading “Interview With Author Bonnie Manning”
Interview With Author Zuzana Sochova
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Zuzana ‘Zuzi’ Sochova, I was born and living in Prague, Czech Republic, the magical city in the center of Europe. I started my professional career in the IT industry moving from developer to HR director and CTO. The next step was building my own company and work as … Continue reading “Interview With Author Zuzana Sochova”
Interview With Author Debbie De Louise
What is/are the story(ies) behind your book(s)? I have a cozy mystery series that currently consists of four titles: A Stone’s Throw, Behind a Rock and a Hard Place, Written in Stone, and Love on the Rocks. The storyline involves librarian, Alicia, who travels to her husband’s childhood hometown after he is killed mysteriously in … Continue reading “Interview With Author Debbie De Louise”
Interview With Author Stephen Oram
Please introduce yourself and your book. I am Stephen Oram and I write science fiction. I prefer the near-future social sci-fi rather than the off-planet aliens type. My new collection of science fiction shorts, Biohacked & Begging and Other Stories, is volume 2 of Nudge the Future and includes pieces of flash fiction on implants, … Continue reading “Interview With Author Stephen Oram”
Interview With Author Arlene Miller
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am Arlene Miller, also known as The Grammar Diva. I have written a dozen grammar books and workbooks since 2010. I have been a newspaper reporter and editor, a technical writer and editor, a freelance editor, and an English teacher. All this led me to want to write … Continue reading “Interview With Author Arlene Miller”
Interview With Author Keith Van Sickle
Please introduce yourself and your books I’ve always loved to travel—studying in England in college, backpacking around the world—and now my wife Val and I live in France part of the year. I’ve written two books about our life in France and the many, many mistakes we’ve made. Both books are funny and lighthearted and … Continue reading “Interview With Author Keith Van Sickle”
Interview With Author Lucelle Hausman
My biography was published three months ago and so far I have done no advertising, no interviews other than notifying my friends that i have completed the book. Several people have bought written reviews and those who haven’t said they loved it but are too lazy to follow up, (or I was not pushy enough). … Continue reading “Interview With Author Lucelle Hausman”
Interview With Author Shuly Xóchitl Cawood
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Shuly Xóchitl Cawood (yes, my middle name is even harder to pronounce than my first, but I would not trade either one), and I have written two books: The Going and Goodbye: a memoir and 52 Things I Wish I Could Have Told Myself When I Was 17. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Shuly Xóchitl Cawood”
Interview With Author Michael H. Schlossberg
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi there! My name is Mike Schlossberg; I’m an author, elected official and advocate for the mentally ill. My book is Redemption, a book science fiction/mental health/young adult book about depression, anxiety and saving the world. Here’s the blurb: Twenty young people wake aboard the spaceship Redemption with no … Continue reading “Interview With Author Michael H. Schlossberg”
Interview With Author Richard Anderson
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I am the author of Mind-Spirit Detox, and a fully accredited Awakening Coach. I am a meditation leader and a fully certified Holy Fire Reiki practitioner. My background is in economics, accountancy (PWC), and senior management in the public sector. I have managed up to 2,000 staff with a … Continue reading “Interview With Author Richard Anderson”
Interview With Author Jeffrey H Ryan
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Jeffrey Ryan. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the great state of Maine, where the Atlantic Ocean, offshore islands, inland lakes and the northern-most stretch of the Appalachian Trail were within a few hour’s reach. I am eternally grateful that my parents had the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jeffrey H Ryan”
Interview With Author John Greco
Please introduce yourself and your books! I am a short story writer, and I also write about films. All my artistic pursuits stem from my falling in love with movies at a young age: comedies and gangster films, especially the gangster films. I became an avid reader because I wanted to read books based on … Continue reading “Interview With Author John Greco”
Interview With Author Rick Wayne
What are the biggest mistakes you can make in a book? The biggest mistake is trying not to make one. I’m not being glib. You’re going to make mistakes. You should make mistakes; it’s the only way to learn. Mistakes are the battle scars of the hardened veteran. Stop worrying about how to avoid them. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Rick Wayne”
Interview With Author Frederick Ben Rodgers
Introduction I was born in Belfast N.I on 15th January 1939 delivered at home by Dr Frederick Smith, for whom I was named. We lived in one of the thousands of 1860 era tiny slum like terrace houses typical of the city. I lost my mother the same year on Boxing Day, we had been … Continue reading “Interview With Author Frederick Ben Rodgers”
Interview With Author Wanda Luthman
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi, I’m Wanda Luthman. I’m an award-winning children’s book author and I’m a high school guidance counselor. I love working with kids and helping them be their best selves. My books all carry social/emotional messages such as forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-love, and perseverance. My books range from picture books for … Continue reading “Interview With Author Wanda Luthman”
Interview With Author Tony Riches
Author Interview – Tony Riches (email: – Twitter @tonyriches) Please introduce yourself and your books I am a full-time author of best-selling historical fiction, based in Pembrokeshire, Wales UK. My Tudor trilogy has reached #1 on Amazon in the US, UK and Australia, and I was the only historical fiction author to be shortlisted … Continue reading “Interview With Author Tony Riches”
Interview With Author Charlotte Milne
Please introduce yourself and your books Hello, I am Charlotte Milne and I’m a Brit. Actually, I’m Scottish and proud of it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not British. In the same way, I voted to leave the European Union for many complex reasons, but that doesn’t mean I’m not European or that I don’t … Continue reading “Interview With Author Charlotte Milne”
Interview With Author Timothy Bateson
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hey there, I’m Timothy Bateson, urban fantasy writer, book blogger, animal-lover, Executive Director of OWSCyCon 2019. In 2005 I moved to Alaska to marry my lovely wife, muse, and writing partner – Sandi – who created the world of the “Shadows Over Seattle” stories. I consider myself very lucky … Continue reading “Interview With Author Timothy Bateson”
Interview With Author Barbra Russell
Yes! I Said No! – How To Set Healthy Boundaries and Increase Your Self Esteem By Barbra Russell, Licensed Professional Counselor Introduce self and book: I open my book by stating, “I’ve spent thousands of counseling hours working with many people who want to say “No,” who need to say “No,” but who say “Yes” … Continue reading “Interview With Author Barbra Russell”
Interview With Author Linda Mitchell
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Linda Mitchell wants to help women reach a point of empowerment and glowing health. 55-year-old Linda is an Institute of Integrative Nutrition graduate and award-winning fitness competitor, women’s health expert, and an elite obstacle racer. She collaborated on the fitness portion of the book Fat Flush For Life With … Continue reading “Interview With Author Linda Mitchell”
Interview With Author Jen Alexander
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Jen Alexander although most people know me as Ms. Jen. When there are many Jennifers and Jens in every circle of your life, one figures out a way to be specific. 😉 As an experienced educator, presenter, and author, I believe that we can make a … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jen Alexander”
Interview With Author Stacy Bender
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hello, I’m Stacy Bender, author of several science fiction books, one fantasy, and two cozy mysteries written under my middle name, Catherine. The list is as follows. Ursa Kane I Like Alice Man on the Stair Malum Boxers & Briefs: Book of Shorts The Sav’ine Series: Emerald Tears Hands … Continue reading “Interview With Author Stacy Bender”
Interview With Author Faith Peavey
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Faith Peavey. I am a young entrepreneur and have been writing since I was six years old. However, I have only been writing professionally since March of last year. I currently have published two books and one adult coloring book. One of my books is a … Continue reading “Interview With Author Faith Peavey”
Interview With Author Dr. Linda K. Watts
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I, Dr. Linda K. Watts, am a Ph.D. cultural, linguistic and psychological anthropologist who has been a professor for the University of Colorado Colorado Springs for 26 years. I am currently teaching as an adjunct for Ithaca College after my semi-retirement in 2018; I continue to teach online for … Continue reading “Interview With Author Dr. Linda K. Watts”
Interview With Author Patricia Bradley
Please introduce yourself and your books! I’m Patricia Bradley and I live in a small town in northeast Mississippi with my two rescue kitties, Suzy and Tux. Since 2014 I’ve written over a million words, and I’m happy to say I’m living my dream of writing suspense with a twist of romance. A twist of … Continue reading “Interview With Author Patricia Bradley”
Interview With Author Tracey Howarth Tomlinson
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Tracey Howarth Tomlinson and I’m from Bolton, Manchester here in the UK. I’ve been interested in alternative therapies and meditation for many years when suffering from a severe bout of depression after the birth of my youngest son (who’s now 21 years old). I wrote my … Continue reading “Interview With Author Tracey Howarth Tomlinson”
Interview With Author Patricia Lynne
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Patricia Lynne and I write young adult books that usually have some sort of paranormal creature or sci-fi creature. You can expect vampires to show up and not be afraid to bite. I also write New Adult Urban Fantasy and Sci-Fi under Patricia Josephine. What is/are the story(ies) … Continue reading “Interview With Author Patricia Lynne”
Interview With Author Jim Heskett
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Jim Heskett, and I’m the author of the Micah Reed series and the Layne Parrish series, both thrillers. I live in Colorado with my family, and spend most of my time hunched over my laptop, dreaming up new ways to kill off beloved characters. What is/are … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jim Heskett”
Interview With Author Jeffery Somers
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name’s Jeff Somers (, and I hold a number of world records, including (but not limited to) the most number of cats cohabitating in someone’s home, the most whiskies consumed during a best man’s speech at a wedding you weren’t even invited to, most consecutive days wearing the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jeffery Somers”
Interview With Author Amber Higgins
Please introduce yourself and your books! Hello, I’m Amber Higgins, the author of three books that tell dog owners how to use the family dog to find missing loved ones and help during disasters. I’ve also self-published a short story called, “A Squirrel Planted an Acorn”. I always was a writer and dog lover. My … Continue reading “Interview With Author Amber Higgins”
Interview With Author Kirsten Weiss
Please introduce yourself and your books! Hi! I’m Kirsten Weiss, and I write cozy and paranormal mystery. (I also write cozy paranormal mysteries!). Right now I have several series. In the paranormal mystery genre: my Riga Hayworth Metaphysical Detective books, The Witches of Doyle, and The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum. My “straight” cozy series are … Continue reading “Interview With Author Kirsten Weiss”
Interview With Author Suanne Schafer
BRIEF BIO: Suanne Schafer completed the Stanford University Creative Writing Certificate program in 2014. Her short works have been featured in multiple magazines, literary journals, and anthologies. Her debut women’s fiction novel, A Different Kind of Fire, explores the life of a nineteenth century bisexual artist living in West Texas and will be released November … Continue reading “Interview With Author Suanne Schafer”
Interview With Author Kent Sanders
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Kent Sanders, and I’m an author, creative coach, consultant, and college professor. I teach courses on film, storytelling, and the arts at St. Louis Christian College in Florissant, Missouri. I also write on creativity, the arts, and productivity at I host a weekly podcast called … Continue reading “Interview With Author Kent Sanders”
Interview With Author Jennifer Juan
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Jennifer Juan, and I’m a writer and musician from the UK. I primarily write poetry, and I’ve released several volumes of poetry. I like to use language in different ways, such as in my books, as well as pairing those words with imagery to create visual poems. I … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jennifer Juan”
Author Feature: Dr. Gene Masters
Gene Masters is a retired professional engineer living in Knoxville, Tennessee. He is the author of Silent Warriors, an historical novel centered around the submarine war in the Pacific, 1941 to 1945. “Early in my professional career, many years ago, I had the privilege of serving aboard, and qualifying on, a WWII vintage diesel-electric submarine, … Continue reading “Author Feature: Dr. Gene Masters”
Interview With Author David C. Tice
Name: David C. Tice Book: “The Genius Box” ( ) Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is David Tice. For a quarter of a century, I’ve overseen television and media research projects for many well-known television networks, media companies, industry associations, sports leagues, and media agencies. As a thought leader in research around … Continue reading “Interview With Author David C. Tice”
Interview With Author Jon Del Arroz
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! I’m Jon Del Arroz, known by most as “the leading Hispanic voice in science fiction”. I do a lot of work but I’m primarily known right now for my steampunk series, The Adventures of Baron von Monocle, which has won awards and is a multi-time #1 bestseller on Amazon, … Continue reading “Interview With Author Jon Del Arroz”
Interview With Author Ty Noel
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Well my name is Ty Noel and I’m writer/author from Illinois. I grew up with a love of reading, something my parents helped to introduce at an early age. My love of books led me down the path of becoming a writer and it’s how I wrote my first … Continue reading “Interview With Author Ty Noel”
Interview With Author Anna Kashina
Anna Kashina writes historical adventure fantasy, featuring exotic settings, martial arts, assassins, and elements of romance. Her “Majat Code” series, published by Angry Robot Books, UK, received two Prism Awards in 2015. She is a Russian by origin, and a scientist in her day job, and she freely draws on these backgrounds in her writing. … Continue reading “Interview With Author Anna Kashina”
Interview With Author Paul Mansell
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Paul Mansell and I have published two books with Kevin Mayhew Ltd. My first book ‘Classical Uke’ features 20 classical pieces of music by composers such as Bach, Tarrega and Carulli all transcribed for ukulele by me. My second book ‘Ukulele School’ is a tutorial book … Continue reading “Interview With Author Paul Mansell”
Interview With Author Andrea Cumbo-Floyd
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Andi Cumbo-Floyd, and I’m a writer, editor, historian, and farmer. I often write books about writing, mostly books of encouragement to help people think about what works for them and their words. What inspires/inspired your creativity? At the risk of sounding like I have a line … Continue reading “Interview With Author Andrea Cumbo-Floyd”
Interview With Author John D. Ottini
Tell us about yourself. My name is John D. Ottini, I was born in Northern Italy, raised and educated in Canada, and currently reside in Central Florida with my wonderful wife and a mischievous cat named Bella. I’ve published five books in paperback (‘People Behaving Badly’, ‘A Very Furry Christmas’, ‘Deadly Revelations’, ‘The Black & … Continue reading “Interview With Author John D. Ottini”
Author Feature: Meredith Sue Willis
I’ve published 22 books, mostly fiction for adults, but also several novels for children and young adults and a couple of books about writing like Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel. I grew up in West Virginia, and now live in an urban area in New Jersey on a commuter train line to New York … Continue reading “Author Feature: Meredith Sue Willis”
Interview With Author Pernell Rogers
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Anthony Pernell Rogers, but I go by the pen name of Pernell Rogers (suggested to me by my stepfather!). I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, but now I live in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. I’m very pretty new to writing, only started in 2012. My … Continue reading “Interview With Author Pernell Rogers”
Interview With Author Nicholas Austin
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name is Nicholas Austin, creator of the Civilands series. Along with being an author, publishing my books in e-book and paperback, I also have a dramatic audiobook podcast of the series called Tuesday Night Fiction. The first three books in the series (#1 Crimson River, #2 Crystal Eyes, … Continue reading “Interview With Author Nicholas Austin”
Interview With Author Cheyenne Wright
Introduce yourself and your books. Hello everyone! My name is Cheyenne Wright, but I tend to share what I write online under the name Chey’s Works. I am a 19-year-old college student and a self-published author. I recently turned to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing program to share my stories with others and have been publishing … Continue reading “Interview With Author Cheyenne Wright”
Interview With Author Cassandra Aarssen
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! Hi! I’m Cassandra Aarssen. I’m a recovering super slob turned organizing expert! I share my organizing tips, tricks and advice through various social media platforms. I have also published three best selling organizing books; Real Life Organizing, Cluttered Mess to Organized Success and The Clutter Connection. What is/are the … Continue reading “Interview With Author Cassandra Aarssen”
Interview With Author Eric J. Kuhns
Please introduce yourself and your book(s)! My name’s Eric J. Kuhns, (I use the middle initial to distinguish me from the doctor that shows up under the same name on Google.) I live in Dallas, Texas and have been writing pretty much since I was a child. It all began either when I tried to … Continue reading “Interview With Author Eric J. Kuhns”